Victor Hugo Sosa, mayor of Mexico town marries female crocodile(VIDEO)

The mayor of the municipality of San Pedro Huamelula in southern Mexico married Alicia Adriana, a female crocodile, in accordance with an unusual and traditional custom.

Since it was first performed 230 years ago, this customary wedding ceremony has been deeply ingrained in society.
In southern Mexico, the Chontal and Huave Indigenous people participate in a ritual that symbolizes peace and harmony amongst them.

The mayor, donning the role of the Chontal king, undertakes the marriage with the reptile, which embodies the revered “princess girl” of local folklore.

During the ceremony, the mayor expressed his commitment and affection, emphasizing the importance of love in a marriage. “I accept responsibility because we love each other. That is what is important. You can’t have a marriage without love… I yield to marriage with the princess girl,” the mayor, Victor Hugo Sosa, stated during the ritual.

Preceding the ceremony, the crocodile is taken to various households for dancing, adorned in elaborate attire while its snout is secured shut for safety purposes.

Preceding the ceremony, the crocodile is taken to various households for dancing, adorned in elaborate attire while its snout is secured shut for safety purposes.

The wedding itself takes place at the town hall, where a local fisherman offers prayers for abundant fishing and prosperity.

In a joyous celebration of cultural fusion, the mayor joyfully dances with his reptile bride, spreading happiness among the people.

The event culminates with the mayor planting a kiss on the snout of the crocodile, signifying the conclusion of the wedding ceremony.