Waje Speaks On Her Relationship Status, “I Am Married To Jesus”


It’s no secret that in African culture once a woman hits 23, her family starts asking her when she’s getting married. By the time she’s 26/27 and still single, aunties get involved and the match-making begins, if she’s 30 and still single…situation critical…CODE RED! Everybody starts to ask, “where is your husband?”, strangers on the streets see your ringless finger and invite you to all manner of single and seraching church services across the country.

In a recent interview with City People, Waje spoke out about people putting pressure on her to get married. Read what she said after the jump

It’s not anybody’s business that I am not married. My fans know that I’m happy. Whether I am married or not, I am a happy woman. Of course, na God dey give person man. The day God will give me a man, I’ll let you people know and will invite you to my wedding. If the man comes my way and he’s the right person, why not, I will marry him. For now Jehovah, the King of kings, is the man in my life. I am married to Jesus.

 Tell them Waje!