Uber Announces Yacht Service

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Uber Announces Yacht Service – With a dominant taxi network as well as well boat and chopper network in select cities, Uber has announced it latest venture.

The company is set to announce UberYACHT on Saturday, a service that will allow users go on deluxe yacht parties, complete with food, drinks and music. The service will be launching in Dubai.

“At Uber we are constantly innovating our services. We want to be more than just a leading global technology app, we want to provide experiences at the push of a button,” Chris Free, Uber’s general manager in the United Arab Emirates, told CNN.

“Following the success of UberCHOPPER in Dubai, we are thrilled to introduce UberYACHT to Dubai’s waters with this exclusive party that residents can book just as they would an Uber car or chopper, with the same level of convenience, reliability and accessibility,” Free added.

Uber is reportedly the most valuable start-up company in the world at $51 billion, with an estimated 3 million rides provided every day.