1. Know Your Unique Selling Point: The key is to know your unique selling point and how you will add value to the employer’s team. This way, you can focus your interview answers and persuasion skills on getting this message across to the employer.
2. Make Your Interviewer Like You: Interviewers listen more to what you what you have to say. n the job interview situation, it’s easy to create a strong rapport because we have a built-in psychological tendency to like people who are like us. This is why matching values with the employer is a key skill for bonding relationships. If the employer is a stickler for deadlines, tell them how you value timekeeping. If being creative is deemed important, explain how you solve solutions using innovative methods.
3. Let Your Interviewer Know About Any Other Job Interviews: As a job candidate, make sure to let an interviewer know about any other job interviews and how far along you are in other companies’ hiring processes. If the employer thinks you may soon get snapped up by someone else you will appear more valuable. It also reaffirms positive feelings the interviewer may have about you.
4. Giving: Oh, this is not a bribe! But giving in this sense is giving your interviewer something they may find useful such as a news cutting or report with some key industry insight. They may not offer you a job in return but you will likely earn some goodwill for your effort.
5. Having Authoritative Appearance: This is not to say an interviewee should be arrogant, but interviewers are more ready to cooperate with someone who appears to have authority. So for your interview, as well as on the job, dress and behave in a professional way that exudes confidence. Appear decently, greet people with firm handshakes and good eye contact, use lots of ‘I’ statements, and stand/sit up straight and don’t slouch. Acting in a confident and professional manner goes a long way in showing your interviewer you are a capable and serious candidate.
6. Listen Carefully – As much as you are eager to give responses to your interviewer’s question, it’s highly important to listen well. They are not only interested in your answers, they also want to know how you pay attention to details.
7. Build Trust: For your interview, and throughout your interview session, it is important you make connection with other people. This connection is a way to establish trust in a short time. You can do this by smiling early and often, using the person’s name (in a polite manner), and also listening carefully. By so doing, you are seen as someone who can easily get along with other team members.