Madonna Is So Petty! She’s Still Dissing Drake Over His Disgusted Reaction To Her Kiss!

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56 year old Madonna is still feeling some type of way over Drake’s disgusted reaction when she kissed him on stage at the Coachella Music festival last month. The pop star just threw some shots at the 28 year old rapper and this won’t be the first time she’s dissing him over THAT kiss!

A new video has just emerged in which we see the pop icon fielding fan questions, one asked if Drake was a good kisser and Madonna replied, “Is Drake A Good Kisser?! I kissed a girl and I liked it”

In another fan question she was asked “What ddvise would you give to your younger self knowing what you know now?” and she took a long pause and then replied,

Don’t kiss Drake no matter how many times he begs you to

Watch the videos after the jump

This woman is damn near 60 years old! She’s almost 30 years older than Drake and she’s out here acting petty because Drake was disgusted when he kissed her!!! This woman’s entire existence is clearly only validated by being a sex symbol cos she has been throwing shade at Drake since that awful kiss…I can’t with her. She needs to have several seats biko….she’s too old for this.