Brymo Finally Mentions Choc City Boss Audu In His Tweets

Audu-Maikori-speaks-about-brymo-the-truthThe battle between Chocolate City’s former artist Brymo and the management is getting real and nasty as Brymo finally point straight fingers at the label’s boss Audu.

In his new set of tweets, Brymo mentioned how he has been warned by his father about injustice in the land.

“Audu Maikori has been calling and threatning everyone who wants to work with me. The injustice will not cease. You are the lawyer, the judge and also the enforcer” Brymo tweeted.

If you are not familiar with the struggle. Brymo and Chocolate City had fell out of agreement and the artist just released a new album away from the label which he’s ordered only to sell under Choc City or wait until 2016 when his contract ends with them.

What a pity. Really wish Brymo and Chocolate City can fashion this out.


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