Former stripper and model, Amber Rose has replicated the Kim Kardashian move but on a seemingly greater pedestal as she took to her social media page on Instagram to share a complete bottomless photo.
The photo which caused viral sensation online was at first thought to be the handwork of H@ckers as the mother of one did nothing to cover her crotch region.
Following the release of the photo, Instagram took it down and as a means of confirmation that she really did post the photo to promote her upcoming Amber Rose Slut Walk event and feminism, the model took to her page to share a short video with the caption: “When IG deletes ur fire ass feminist post but you really don’t give a F.uck because everyone picked it up already #amberroseslutwalk #bringbackthebush
See censored photo below as the model forgets to put on her P@nts but remembers to don on the eyewear.