Woman deceived into paying $1,500 for two Apples thinking she was buying two Apple iphones

She wanted an “Apple” product and she got it fresh!
She wanted an “Apple” product and she got it fresh!

Not one, but two!!!

An Australian woman put up an Ad online saying she needed two Apple smartphones , then she received a call from a woman who said she has two “APPLES” for sale .

According to the Herald sun ,the two fixed a meeting for a McDonald’s restaurant where they exchanged money for Iphones(Apples).The seller was kind enough to box the two Apples in separate iphone boxes which she gave to the 21 year-old Brisbane woman .The young woman didn’t open her boxes until she got home.

Who does that? Letting a thousand five hundred dollars out of your pocket without even checking out what you are paying for ?

No wonder she needed a Smartphone !